This morning, Michelle, Diane, Chuck and I drove to Würzburg, in the northwest corner of Bayern, about 90 minutes east of Frankfurt (at least from Oberursel). We got there in time for Mass at the
Würzburg Cathedral. The service was nice. What was cool was that I actually understood about 95% of the homily - and it was pretty good. [The text was from John ... ] After the service, the priest encouraged visitors to stay for a tour. (What he didn't mention was that at the end, we would be charged Euro 2.50 at the very end - conveniently in a small side chapel with the tour guide standing in the only way in or out.) The tour was pretty good, but it was all in German, so I did my best to translate. The cathedral itself is nice, but it's a mixture of Romanesque and Baroque. (The interior was pretty heavily damaged during WWII. When they were renovating, the parish was split over whether to restore it to its 1701 Baroque finish, or to its original Romanesque style. They compromised.)

[The three figures at the base of the altar are
St. Kilian (center) and the other two "Franken Apostles".]

[We ate lunch outside at the cafe on the far right.]

[Chuck, Diane, Michelle, me.]

[This statue of St. Kilian is on a bridge over the Main River.]

After lunch, we wandered back toward the car. I grabbed my backpack and walked to the train station. We were already half-way back to Amberg, where Michelle lives, so I took the train back. Chuck and Diane fly back to the great state of Minnesota tomorrow.
Peace to you.
1 comment:
You have a great flair for photography -- keep it up!
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