Saturday, April 19, 2008


Just like the English word. As I was making lunch Friday - soup - disaster struck. I was wondering why my soup was taking so long to warm up. I turned the burner on. The wrong burner. My head was still stuffed up from being sick all week, or I might have noticed the burning plastic smell before I saw the coffee pot sitting on the stove. (In my defense - be it a weak defense - I don't have much counter space.) I drink a lot of coffee - this is a significant loss. So if any of you have any suggestions for removing plastic from a burner surface, I'd love to listen.

(Note: I probably shouldn't have tried this, but I need my coffee. It still works. All the guts inside are intact - except for that plastic piece on the bottom with the words, "WARNING: Do not remove. Electrocution Hazard".)

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