David Corson asked me on Saturday, "Have you finished packing yet?" My reply: "Ask me if I've started." I was so overwhelmed last night. It seemed like a pretty daunting task. I didn't get to bed until nearly 1 am. Things looked better this morning.
I've also found it hard to get too excited about going to Germany while I still have outstanding homework at the Sem. I've been stuck on about an 85-90 percent solution on an exegetical paper on Matthew 11.2-15. This has been a passage that's intrigued me for nigh on a year (can I say "nigh on"?). What's up with JtB's doubting? Is the kingdom "suffering violence" or "advancing violently" (check out a couple different English translations - contrast ESV and NIV)?
I'm supposed to pick up my U-Haul tomorrow afternoon. Then, I'll pick up my canoe tomorrow night. "Wheel's up" is tentatively around 0930 Thursday.
Well, at the request of some friends, I've decided to rededicate myself to a blog. I will do my best to keep you all up to date with my travels and misadventures!
Next on the docket: A canoe trip with college buddy Jon Brothen on the Crow Wing River in northern Minnesota. (That's assuming I make it to Minnesota in time. I'll probably roll into my Mom's at about 1 in the morning, then head up to JB's at noon the next day, canoe precariously lashed into the back of my truck.)
As I wrap up this post, I'd like to close by sharing the opening line from Mitch Albom's "The Five People You Meet In Heaven." (Don't buy it.)
"All endings are also beginnings . . . we just don't know it at the time."
See you soon.
I prefer the idea that the "Kingdom is advancing violently" myself. Enjoy N Minnesota! & Germany
Yea for hellos and traveling and blogs and adventures!
You mean you're not taking the canoe with you?!
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