Tuesday night was designated "burn stuff I don't need" night. I collect all my old receipts with signatures, stuff with phone numbers etc. . . . Then I burn it all . . . about every year or so.
So Tuesday night, I was sitting outside my building enjoying a beer . . . watching the fire . . . when I noticed two guys run around the corner of Loeber Hall, pointing. Then one guy pulls out a cell phone. I couldn't hear what they were saying, but it sounded frantic.
"I should say something," I thought.
So I stood up - beer in hand - and waved.
The first guy says, "Hey, it's outside."
They smelled smoke from in front of the Chapel and walked over to see what was going on. Smoke was billowing up from Mezger. There's a huge flood light on the corner of the building, so it made the smoke look pretty impressive. That, and the burning candle in my window right above the fire, and it looked like Mezger was about to go up in smoke.
I complimented them on their vigilance and returned to tending the fire . . . .
Hey Jake! Thanks for letting me know your blog address. I'll look forward to reading about your adventures in Germany.
It was great visiting with you the other day. You said some really helpful things to me. Thanks for your listening and your friendship.
God bless your year in the land of beer and Luther!
Here's to the beer's better where heading! Glad you didn't leave the States as a arson fugitive
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