This small Catholic church was right off the main square, or Hauptmarkt, in Trier. They had a small courtyard outside the door of the church between the church and the square. As you exited "out into the world," this sign was above the door. Translation: "Carry Christ into the world." The sign reminded me of the, "You are now entering the mission field," sign at my home church in Texas. I know it can almost sound cliche, but that sign always served as a reminder to me. I like how my friend David used to phrase it at the end of a worship service at the CRAVE in St. Louis: "The service is ended, but let your worship continue. Go in peace." Trage Christus in die Welt.
1 comment:
I love the posts. Please keep writing and taking pictures!
This inscription reminds me of Isaiah class with Dr. Bartelt. He always referenced how he loves processionals and how they should continue out into the parking lot and the streets. I love it! What a great reminder.
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