After much delay, I wish all readers a warm greeting from Oberursel! Friday I finished my four-week German language course at the Goethe-Institut in Frankfurt, Germany. (I would recommend the G-I to anyone working or studying in Germany. If you'd like, I can tell you more about their teaching methods, cost - it's rather expensive, I'm afraid - etc.) (I can't believe I've been here a month!) I have two weeks before classes start here at the seminary. My friend, Martin, arrived Friday from South Africa; tomorrow, we may drive to Tubingen, where he'll study for three semesters. (Martin was an exchange student in St. Louis last year.) My focus has been on learning the language the past four weeks, so I haven't traveled at all. We did, however, visit the International Auto Show in Frankfurt last weekend, which was quite a spectacle! (I may get to visit a friend in Italy next week.) I am happy to confirm that the bier is as good as I remembered (why can't American domestic beer taste like this?) The German women won the World Cup this afternoon. Several of my friends here are students from a sister church body in South Africa. Therefore, as rugby is the most beloved sport in South Africa, we've watched several matches. Tonight, the American squad faces the Sprinboks . . . we're going to get crushed, I'm afraid. If you've never watched the New Zealand team, the All Blacks, do their "Hakka" routine before a match, you must check it out on youtube!
I've truly enjoyed worshipping in German. My theological vocabulary is coming along nicely, so I can understand the liturgy fairly well. It can be extremely difficult to follow sermons in German. (I do listen to the Concordia Seminary chapel sermons on iTunes. Check the link at right.) The hymns are beautiful - my friend, Roland, is the church's incredibly talented organist. Yesterday was the Feast of Saint Michael and All Angels, so we worshipped here last night. So, today, we visited the 17th century Catholic church in the historic part of downtown Oberursel.
I pray this post finds you well. God bless!